Thursday, February 21, 2008

The best donuts in the world!

Yes, yes enjoy your Dunk*n Don*ts or Kr*spy Kre*ms if you must, but for my money THESE are the best donuts on the planet. Sw**twater's only has 3 stores, and two of them are in Kalamazoo where I went to college, one right by campus. More than once I can remember taking a break from whatever I was doing at the theatre in the middle of the night and running to get coffee and a donut. Usually this was between midnight and dawn, thank god they are open 24 hours.

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I was in the Kzoo area last week visting my great friend J, and I had to stop on my way home to pick up a variety to share at work the next day. This is of course so I don't have to make a decision right there in the shop, but can torture myself the next morning. My classic favorite is the Black Forest (cherry filled, dipped in glaze and rolled in chocolate donut bits) but there is something to be said for the New York Cheesecake (cheescake filling with strawberry frosting) In the end I went with one of their new products I had never seen before, the Caramello. It is the carmel filled lovely you can see on the beautiful (if I do say so myself) plate above. Knowing I would be enjoying a donut later, I took some precautions. I had to have an all protein breakfast, I waited until 10:00 for my first taste and savored it a little at time for 4 hours.... and it was totaly worth it!
If you are ever in Battle Creek or Kalamazoo Michigan, I heartily recommend you endulge!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A clever way to call myself a klutz

This morning after tripping over MY OWN feet, I made this observation about myself....

"She's not smart, not a looker, but she sure can challenge gravity!"


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh, what a bad blogger I have been.

I have been so uninspired! I have my excuses…. I haven’t been feeling well… I have new duties at work that are depressing the shit out of me…. It has been so fricken cold... And sad to say, when I have been at the computer I have been driveling away my time playing computer games instead of posting. Turn back the clock 24 years, picture really big hair, throw in some "oh my gosh! Fer sure! As if!" and this is exactly how I avoided my 10th grade history term paper!

The top on my unhappy list is this. One of my boys, my senior pet Buzz, is in the beginning stages of kidney failure. He also has a thyroid condition and heart murmur. I have been stuffing meds down his throat since 2001, and I am well aware this is where the end was heading. Still I am wracked with the dilemma of having to put down a beloved pet. I give all my four-legged friends fantastic and long lives. Buzz is 17 years old, so no spring chicken, but all my cats that don’t meet an accidental end live to be 17 or 18. With the exception of 3 months in 1992 when he lived with me in college (my room-mate was beating him when I wasn’t around,) everyday has been Happy Cat day for him. Heck, our dog PeeDee the Lhasa Apso lived to be 17, they have a 13 year life expectancy. My secret? I personally think it is better living through gratuitous itchies, as I don’t buy any fancy food. They are indoor/outdoor cats and medical attention usually limited to an emergency basis, so who really knows.

Buzz is so skinny but not in any pain (yet.) He is slower yet still himself. Aside from not wanting him to ever suffer, my problem is pet expenses are getting too dear. The special food he now needs is $34.00 for 24 cans, his meds run @$50.00 a month and blood work is running $75.00 a visit. If he were in pain, I could put him down in an instant. I am perhaps too sentimental, but I just CAN"T put down a animal that depends on me because of money. I don’t think I can live with myself if I did that.

I need to not dwell on this so much…need happier thoughts. So guess what 7 month old has his first tooth? I’ll give you one clue.....but do you really need it