Monday, August 17, 2009

Look at the handsome little boy - 2 Year Pictures

Here are this year's portraits of Mr. Cutie. I only wish they had one with his hair mussed up, he looks like such a little puck then....

Okay, the one above does look a little cheesy, kinda like a famous movie poster I can think of...

So sweet, but in fact he is probably trying to figure out how to get into some water, it's his favorite thing... Bath-time, water balloon's, squirty fish, long as it's wet he is happy.

This Shot was for for Grandpa, lord knows it wasn't for Uncle A.

Ah!!!!! Dressed for his element!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Watertime Fun

We started out in the sprinkler, but it got too cold. So back to our trusty squirty fish!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Explaining his theory on water ballons

Sometimes he has to splain things s l o w to Yea-Yea, just to be sure she gets it....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sprinkler TIme!!!!

It was so dang hot and humid this weekend that I introduced my friend Skeeter to the fun of the kiddie sprinkler on Sunday. As you can see he took to it quite well....( Click on photo a better look at his facial expressions, they are a hoot.)

At first he was afraid, so Yea-yea had to run through the wiggly sprayers by herself, but slowly he became braver. I made the fatal mistake of demonstrating how to point one of the sprayers by refilling a squirt gun with it, and then no part of me was dry for the next 40 minutes. Little monkey!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lazy Butt

The sad truth is I have just been lazy and ignoring you, please forgive me. I CAN explain.

Aside from the fact that I have been sick with almost everything circling the planet this winter, my mom hurt herself. She fell and broke her ankle in January, and after an abortive attempt to go home from the ER with her "sprained" ankle, an ambulance ride and a horrid week on the oncology floor of the hospital (they had a spare bed,) trying to figure out why she couldn't walk, she left town. She needed to be in a rehabilitation facility and the good ones here in town had no room. So she chose to go to a brand new place where she grew up, that just happens to be owed by one of her brothers. For her this has been a very good choice, as she has had hot and cold running visitors from our big Swedish family and people she knew growing up. For me it means a half of every weekend is spent on the road visiting her. The other half of the weekend is spent trying to muster enough energy to start another work week, 'cause I am so dang tired. I did miss two weekends due to bad weather then illness, but she misses her kids so much, and I can't deny her 4 or 5 hours a week when she is going throgh so much pain. (Plus there is still some residual guilt from abandoning her in a youth hostal when she visted me in London on limited resources, but that is another sad tale I am not going into today....)

Sadly, I have been living off of fast food, and quick tricks (toasted baguette with cheese or canned soup) and it hasn't been very good for me. I just don't cook in single person quantities, and I don't like to eat the same thing for 6 days in a row. Seems like a waste to cook, so I haven't. When I have wanted a "real" meal I have been bumming them off my sister or ordering a steak with green beans and pasta from C@rraba car side service. I realized I haven't really been taking care of myself when I saw the sad state of my cooking onions.

That all changes now. Mom is coming home on Saturday and I can finally go back to cooking for plus one again. These past three months have been odd. The house is a pit, the cats have gotten VERY weird and I have confirmed my long held belief that I am not meant to live on my own. I am too solitary by nature, I need someone making sure I'm still alive on a regular basis. Although I sometimes feel defensive about "living with my mommy, " the truth is she can no longer live alone, I don't live off her (we split all expenses) and I do not want to live alone. Perhaps this "vacation" will cure me of my sheepishness on the subject. Perhaps not, since I feel compelled to rationalize things to you....

On prettier news, just look at how beautiful my G is. Her aunt (mother's sister) took her to a Taipei "Glamour Shots" shoot and it looks like she had a good time. A's favorite is the black and white picture, because her smile is less "fake-y," but I love them all! Can you believe she is TEN.

Monday, March 30, 2009


I am having an “O” day. Starts with it and ends with it. With a “gawd” in between to make it alarming. We all have them, they come around every ten years or so and get more distressing the older you get…. Today is one of my turns. As in “OH MY GAWD, I’M 40!”

How the hell did THAT happen? I still have nightmares about forgetting I have midterms. (Usually in the 60 seconds before the instructor says “You may begin...” I realize I haven't studied all semester and/or I forgot I enrolled in the damn thing and it's too late to drop!)

How can I possibly be 40 with a mortgage, vested for retirement??? To quote Vizzini from The Princess Bride, “INCONCEIVABLE!” Sorry, had to wipe some spittle off the screen after that one.

The picture below is how old I feel...with a driver's license...and a nice pay check...:) Growing up and growing old is for the birds!

(G and and my cousin's daughter on a museum visit in 2007.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Away too long

Hello! I have been away too long. First it was the January Blahs unmotivating me, then we had some health issues in the family, (not just me this time.) I will write about that later... I just wanted to pop in for a quick moment and post some recent Skeeter-man photos, as I'm sure you must be going through withdrawal by now!!

Enjoy! And Happy March!