Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Chopstick food: Raspberries and Cheez-its
Perhaps it is a bit early, but my Skeeter must know how to use chopsticks because someday he will be going to visit his cousin G in Taiwan. It can be a royal bitch to find a western -style fork when you go out to dinner, believe me! Thus we are starting sloooooow, and we are starting early. Jury-rigged starter chopsticks, thanks to the folded up wrapper the sticks came in, a rubber band, and a cool Internet site for instructions. We ate things big enough to grab tweezer-like with the chopsticks. He is getting pretty good with them, though sometimes you just gotta skip the utensils altogether and resort to le pingies. My chopsticks were regulation (No rubber band) but I did get a hand cramp. (Damn Carpal Tunnel!)
These pictures are from Good Friday. His day-care was closed so I took the day off to Skeeter-sit. The day was fun, but not drama free. One spanking, one time-out and a retaliatory tantrum (his, not mine.) Things went better for awhile and nap time was enjoyed by ALL. Things turned abruptly south when he puked up his crackers and fruit all over my kitchen floor. It looked better above than it did later...... Still a winner for him, he got an unscheduled bath (including Grandpa Reed's toy submarine) which is his Favorite thing under Grandma's supervision while Yea-yea gaggingly cleaned the floor.
These pictures are from Good Friday. His day-care was closed so I took the day off to Skeeter-sit. The day was fun, but not drama free. One spanking, one time-out and a retaliatory tantrum (his, not mine.) Things went better for awhile and nap time was enjoyed by ALL. Things turned abruptly south when he puked up his crackers and fruit all over my kitchen floor. It looked better above than it did later...... Still a winner for him, he got an unscheduled bath (including Grandpa Reed's toy submarine) which is his Favorite thing under Grandma's supervision while Yea-yea gaggingly cleaned the floor.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Woo Hoo!!!!! "God-daughter" is going to Western Michigan University!!!!! SHE GO IT. she got in. SHE GOT IN!!!!! She is going to apply to live in my old dorm. If you are sensing a WMU-Auntie K Nostalgia Tour 2010, you might be right!!! Better to embarrass her now before she is a Bronco that to have her peers witness it later. Woo Hoo!!! Now if she will just take a dang theatre class for gosh-sakes my joy would be complete.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
They are back.....
Like vampires creeping from the earth at dusk, they arise. Cautious. Skittish Deprived of access to food and water by the arrival of their nemesis, they are slow to trust. They sense he has left, but are they sure? One of their number was caught earlier, held and enveloped almost beyond endurance before he escaped. They slink forward...look right...look left....HEY CATNIP MOUSE ON A STRING!!!!!! WOO HOO!
That's right Skeeter came to visit Sunday morning and stayed all day, much to the distress of the cats. Bing was loved a bit, but he WILL survive. All in all we (humans) had a really good day, but no pictures, I'm sorry to say. The more fun I have with him, the less think to grab the camera.
Our new fun is playing with trains. Last summer I bought some trains from a friend whose sons had outgrown them. Did I say trains? I mean multiple battery-operated Thom@s the Tank Train engines, train cars, tons of track, risers to make overpasses, tunnels, trees and a table with rolling storage drawers for all it. So cool!
Actually the table was in my living room for months, but it was so big I couldn't access the drawers well and we didn't use it. I just dismantled it recently and took all the stuff to the back bed room. A couple of weeks ago, he and his mommy came over and I took him back to grab a few pieces to play with. We lay down the tracks on the living room floor, but it wasn't really big enough. "We need more tracks!" I said and hurried down the hallway for more with him close on my heels. I distinctly heard SOMEONE (no one is fessing up)in the room behind us say "It's like there are two little kids not one." We increased the track and played for a while, then he looked up and said "More!" And he went flying down the hall with me at HIS heels. With a couple more trips down the hall, it him occupied for three hours or more the first time. He was so cute laying on the floor, eye level with the trains as they passed by, he "helping" them along as they passed.
Thank you, Lisa. These toys ARE the greatest.
That's right Skeeter came to visit Sunday morning and stayed all day, much to the distress of the cats. Bing was loved a bit, but he WILL survive. All in all we (humans) had a really good day, but no pictures, I'm sorry to say. The more fun I have with him, the less think to grab the camera.
Our new fun is playing with trains. Last summer I bought some trains from a friend whose sons had outgrown them. Did I say trains? I mean multiple battery-operated Thom@s the Tank Train engines, train cars, tons of track, risers to make overpasses, tunnels, trees and a table with rolling storage drawers for all it. So cool!
Actually the table was in my living room for months, but it was so big I couldn't access the drawers well and we didn't use it. I just dismantled it recently and took all the stuff to the back bed room. A couple of weeks ago, he and his mommy came over and I took him back to grab a few pieces to play with. We lay down the tracks on the living room floor, but it wasn't really big enough. "We need more tracks!" I said and hurried down the hallway for more with him close on my heels. I distinctly heard SOMEONE (no one is fessing up)in the room behind us say "It's like there are two little kids not one." We increased the track and played for a while, then he looked up and said "More!" And he went flying down the hall with me at HIS heels. With a couple more trips down the hall, it him occupied for three hours or more the first time. He was so cute laying on the floor, eye level with the trains as they passed by, he "helping" them along as they passed.
Thank you, Lisa. These toys ARE the greatest.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
What a bad, BAD blogger I have been...
I have been away for so long, basically because a.) my life is boring and b.) I don't think anyone is paying attention to this blog except people who already know me. And they visit out of pity. After some serious consideration, I have decided I don't care... since I started this for me anyway, I'll keep it for me.
Below for the pity-viewers, I have 2 sets of Skeeter Christmas pictures. The first set I had done and the second Skeeters parents did. MY plan was to start a tradition of helping the little guy make presents for his parents and grandparents. This year is was pictures I would have taken and "he" would decorate picture frames for them. I underestimated the difficulty level of my proposition.
I told B I was taking Skeeter to my office because "everyone" wanted to see him and instead we went to the MALL. Now, please realise I hate going to the mall, and I had never been to one with a 2 and a half year old before. Getting him into the store, past the bra department without fingering all the wares (oooh!), then past the jewelry (pretty!!!), up the escalator (whee!!!!) and then past a larger than needed display of Disn*y (Pooh! Pooh!) holiday merchandise right outside the portrait studio (product placement or demonic marketing?) was hell. The actual picture taking went fine as long as it was the "Holiday" set that looked like a living room, but once it was swapped for a black backdrop he became shy and scared, and suctioned to my endth the photo shoot. What followed was an excruciating 45 minutes with a brand new employee who tried to up-sell me hundreds of dollars worth of "keepsakes" and "irreplaceable memories" while Skeeter was bonging around the room and trying to get back to the Disn*y display outside (the MOUSE, Yea-yea, the mouse.) Finally, I said "gimme those in 5 x 7's and that in wallets" and got the heck out of there. Flying past the Disn*y, down the escalator, rushing around the jewelry and bounding through the bras. Outside, so close to our goal the little bugger shouted "NO!" pulled his hand out of mine and tried to run away in the parking lot. HEART FAILURE. I nabbed him quick and took him home for a nap (for both of us.) Below are the results, worth it to be sure....but not to be repeated as a solo covert operation again...
Below for the pity-viewers, I have 2 sets of Skeeter Christmas pictures. The first set I had done and the second Skeeters parents did. MY plan was to start a tradition of helping the little guy make presents for his parents and grandparents. This year is was pictures I would have taken and "he" would decorate picture frames for them. I underestimated the difficulty level of my proposition.
I told B I was taking Skeeter to my office because "everyone" wanted to see him and instead we went to the MALL. Now, please realise I hate going to the mall, and I had never been to one with a 2 and a half year old before. Getting him into the store, past the bra department without fingering all the wares (oooh!), then past the jewelry (pretty!!!), up the escalator (whee!!!!) and then past a larger than needed display of Disn*y (Pooh! Pooh!) holiday merchandise right outside the portrait studio (product placement or demonic marketing?) was hell. The actual picture taking went fine as long as it was the "Holiday" set that looked like a living room, but once it was swapped for a black backdrop he became shy and scared, and suctioned to my endth the photo shoot. What followed was an excruciating 45 minutes with a brand new employee who tried to up-sell me hundreds of dollars worth of "keepsakes" and "irreplaceable memories" while Skeeter was bonging around the room and trying to get back to the Disn*y display outside (the MOUSE, Yea-yea, the mouse.) Finally, I said "gimme those in 5 x 7's and that in wallets" and got the heck out of there. Flying past the Disn*y, down the escalator, rushing around the jewelry and bounding through the bras. Outside, so close to our goal the little bugger shouted "NO!" pulled his hand out of mine and tried to run away in the parking lot. HEART FAILURE. I nabbed him quick and took him home for a nap (for both of us.) Below are the results, worth it to be sure....but not to be repeated as a solo covert operation again...
There I was, smug with myself for providing such a priceless gift documenting his 2 year Christmas without a body count, when in the mail I received what? That's right, professional Christmas pictures of the whole family!! (What the @#$%^@%^%^@%@!!) Truly lovely and glad I have them, but crap there went the uniqueness of our/my surprise, kinda.....
The following are some of these pictures B sent me electronically, though she isn't in any of these. The two of Skeeter and his daddy are great.
Well, bye-bye. It's snowing very hard here and it's time to leave. Happy 2010 everyone!
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