Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2010!!

Why hello! Didn’t think I was coming back, did you? I’ve meant to visit back for a while, apparently I haven’t been in the “mood” to blog for about 15 months. A lot has happened in that time. Skeeter turned 4, G turned 12, and we went to DisneyWorld. I’ve been in the hospital (briefly.) In fact for a little while last winter, Mom (bronchitis,) E (gall-bladder removal) and I (kidney stones) were keeping the ER staff pretty busy. Poor B, we really ran her ragged too. Work-wise I was busy too. Retirement reform, Early Retirement pushes in two of the retirement system’s my office administers. Lots of WORK, of course… Many great, knowledgeable friends retired or moved to other departments. Most positions have not been filled, and those that are mostly great new people who have a lot to learn. I swear, if I could put a shop-vac to my ear and suck out the knowledge I have and pass it around, I’d do it in a second!

I’m heading over to Skeeter’s house to hand out candy tonight while B and E take the little man trick-o-treating. To tide you over until I get this year’s pictures, here are some from last year. May I present Skeeter as Buzz Lightyear, with his jet-pack (aka his daddy.)

More later!