Tuesday, May 13, 2008

And my new name is.......

My name is Kay. It's not short for anything. Not Katherine, Kathleen, Katie, Katrina, nothing. And because it not possible to shorten my name into a nickname, my childhood nickname was my name doubled. Kay-kay. I have been Kay-kay for as long as I remember, in fact there is brick by the fireplace where I wrote it in permanent marker as a small child (and was my mother PISSED.) As an adult, children will still call me Kay-kay, though I do frown on adults doing so. Georgie of course calls me Gugu (aunt.)

Skeeter now has four word under his belt. Mumum, Dada, Itties (kitties) and Yea-Yea (Kay-kay.) He may know more, but these are the ones he has said in my presence. The first two times he called me Yea-yea, I didn't catch it, and when B informed me he had just called me Yea-yea I thought it was motherly wishful thinking. But when a 10-month ball of cute crawls up to you, pulls himself up on your pant leg, stretches his arm up to you and clearly says "Yea-Yea!" there is no denying you have just been called by name.

The pictures below are of my Skeeter getting a bath. I love the purple bottle brush you can see behind his head like a poppy growing out of his skull.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi YeaYea!! Adorable!