Monday, March 30, 2009


I am having an “O” day. Starts with it and ends with it. With a “gawd” in between to make it alarming. We all have them, they come around every ten years or so and get more distressing the older you get…. Today is one of my turns. As in “OH MY GAWD, I’M 40!”

How the hell did THAT happen? I still have nightmares about forgetting I have midterms. (Usually in the 60 seconds before the instructor says “You may begin...” I realize I haven't studied all semester and/or I forgot I enrolled in the damn thing and it's too late to drop!)

How can I possibly be 40 with a mortgage, vested for retirement??? To quote Vizzini from The Princess Bride, “INCONCEIVABLE!” Sorry, had to wipe some spittle off the screen after that one.

The picture below is how old I feel...with a driver's license...and a nice pay check...:) Growing up and growing old is for the birds!

(G and and my cousin's daughter on a museum visit in 2007.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old. "George Burns"