Friday, April 16, 2010

Chopstick food: Raspberries and Cheez-its

Perhaps it is a bit early, but my Skeeter must know how to use chopsticks because someday he will be going to visit his cousin G in Taiwan. It can be a royal bitch to find a western -style fork when you go out to dinner, believe me! Thus we are starting sloooooow, and we are starting early. Jury-rigged starter chopsticks, thanks to the folded up wrapper the sticks came in, a rubber band, and a cool Internet site for instructions. We ate things big enough to grab tweezer-like with the chopsticks. He is getting pretty good with them, though sometimes you just gotta skip the utensils altogether and resort to le pingies. My chopsticks were regulation (No rubber band) but I did get a hand cramp. (Damn Carpal Tunnel!)
These pictures are from Good Friday. His day-care was closed so I took the day off to Skeeter-sit. The day was fun, but not drama free. One spanking, one time-out and a retaliatory tantrum (his, not mine.) Things went better for awhile and nap time was enjoyed by ALL. Things turned abruptly south when he puked up his crackers and fruit all over my kitchen floor. It looked better above than it did later...... Still a winner for him, he got an unscheduled bath (including Grandpa Reed's toy submarine) which is his Favorite thing under Grandma's supervision while Yea-yea gaggingly cleaned the floor.


Anonymous said...

"Raspberries & Cheez-Its?" What kind of a diet is that; no wonder the little guy was ill! What is next, whipped cream and bologna sandwiches or sauerkraut and honey? Mon dieu, give him something like Chateaubriand and let him scarf some real food - he's worth it.

kwillmetta said...

While I totally agree that he is worth it, my little friend is not yet that fond of meat. Fresh fruit and fresh veggies are his very favorite. Seriously, you have NEVER seen a child get so excited by the sight of a tomato! A meal of cut fruit (actually we had more than raspberries) with cheese and crackers was the perfect chopstick picnic for Skeeter-man.

Sara said...

I'm impressed that you have attempted chopsticks! Maybe my little man should try them soon... perhaps on a day when we are eating outside. I'm so tired of cleaning up messes! :-)

How are you? I'm glad to see you are writing again!

p.s. are you on FB yet?