Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Our Boy Bing

Scene: My living room, July 2007. I am reading the newspaper in chair. Eight year old G meanders in...

G: Wheeeere is my boy Bing........

Aunt K: (newspaper is lowered with a rustle) Pardon me?

G: (Sigh...eye roll) Where is my AND your boy Bing...

I love all my pets and they are all special to me, but (shush don't tell) this little boy is my favorite of the cats I have now. He is also the favorite of the two little girls in my life. (Sorry L, sixteen is still little to me.) He has those certain qualities that I love in a cat; he is beautiful , he knows how to suck up, and he will do almost anything for an scratch! Only one other cat is my all-time-favorite, and bless his four-legged soul, he died at the age of 17 almost a decade ago.

Through the Internet grapevine I have heard that G isn't feeling well. So for you Georgie-Porgie, here are some pictures of our Binghee. I was wiggling my fingers in the international sign of Itchie, and he came a running... Love Gugu.

Proper Name: Bingly (Named after a Jane Austen character by L when he was going to be her cat. That was before we discovered her BIG dog "Beelzebub, Hound of Hell" thought he looked really yummie.)

Nicknames: Bing, MR. Bingly, Binghee, Ba-ging-ghee, Kitty-Kitty-Bing-Bing (G's fine four feathered friend,) Bing-a-ling, Bingalbean, Bwackie-Bing (had an identical brother whose 6 year-old owner named Bwackie-Sam, so you know.)and the list keeps growing...

Forbbiden names: Bingo, Itchie-whore (thank you, sister-mine.)


Anonymous said...

He has unpure wiskers and that pissy look. Tsk, tsk.


kwillmetta said...

Two white wiskers DOES NOT make them unpure! It just proves he is growing more mature, older and wiser.

And he does NOT have a pissy look! Just because you have weird-o cats does not make him pissy. He is cute and extremely social.

Julie said...

That 6 year old (who is almost 14 now) thinks we should get them together and see if they remember each other. Ah, youth!

Anonymous said...

That is so NOT your cat! I'm telling the kid!

Anonymous said...

The two previous comments were left by:

Big Mouthed Brainiac

kwillmetta said...

ha hum.....She who changes the litter box is the owner. If L wants to stake her claim to the bwack cat, she needs to be here on Mondays nights with shovel in hand.