Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Typhoid Skeeter

We are all sick. First Skeeter, then B, E, ME, and now Grandma. Raging coughs and mondo snot. I was playing with Skeeter and he juicy coughed all over my face. Bleack...... B claims I couldn't have gotten it from him then, as he was already on antibiotics, she probably passed it on to me. But all I keep thinking of is that movie "Outbreak." He is the cute little monkey and we are all goners... Ah the joys of a child in daycare and the passing around of grubby germs in the under 4 year set. (sigh...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess it comes with the territory. Sick is no fun, but Skeeter (I suspect) is worth it.

Feel better soon!