Friday, July 11, 2008

Bubble Costumes - Punk Rocker

Sadly, the simpler games I play with Skeeter, like piggy-toe kisses and whose-pulling-the-socks-off are no longer the laugh riot they use to be. Happily we are discovering new games, and they include making Bubble Costumes during bath time. We started off as Bubble Elvis, and have broadened out to include Bubble Football Player, Bubble Garden Gnome, Bubble Zeus, Bubble Mousek@teer, and of course, the Bubble Punk Rocker (Oy!) I was between cameras so I didn't catch most in pictures, but we will work to re-create some of these sudsy looks in baths to come.

Did I mention he is as cute as a bee's knees? Still true!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Punk rocker, indeed! I can't believe this little one is a year old. Where is teh time going? wow!, and he's beautiful!!!