Monday, July 7, 2008

Celebrating the 9th of July

AKA Happy Birthday Skeeter!

Okay, it wasn't exactly the 9th, but this Saturday Skeeter-Man had his first Birthday party! It was a lovely day at his Grandma and Grandpa's cottage (E's parents.) It wasn't too hot, although we did chase the shade across the yard. Earlier this week Skeeter was given his first balloon, and it was such a big hit, I bought a dozen for the occasion. His daddy out did me, and bought a tank of helium and lots more balloons. It was a balloon rich afternoon.

Here he is walking with Grandma C's help. It won't be long before he doesn't need any help at all.
Apparently he is destined to be a bacon lover, he REALLY liked chewing on the piggy toy. For a "no gift" occasion, the boy made out like a bandit. I broke the rule like everybody else, I gave him a tee shirt with our rules, then his Mommy's rule (Ignore Aunt K's rules) printed on it.
Such a cutie...
and we learned that cake is for squishing, not for eating. He didn't want to eat it unassisted, and when his mommy gave him some, he cried. Too sweet, I guess.

It is hard to believe it has been a whole year already, and yet it feels like he has been here so much longer. Happy Birthday little man, the fun is just starting... just you wait until I crack open the Pl@y-Doh!

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