Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas pictures

The sad truth of the matter is that little skunk is getting really good at not holding still. As soon as he sees the camera, it becomes an elaborate "bob and weave" maneuver to avid the lens. As a consequence I don't have that many pictures that aren't of the back of him. Here are the two best ones.

He added the bow himself! I am not to blame..... okay, maybe just a little as I lead by example on this one.

I am definitely to blame for this!! Hee hee. I bought his a bunch of musical instruments, including a tambourine and cymbals! You should have seen his face the first time I smashed them together!! I think his daddy will enjoy them too. I just better not get them back on my birthday....

Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Christmas" Day





Friday, December 26, 2008

Guess What? I'm a Hero

Last night I had a thoroughly wonderful telephone call with G. Usually our phone conversations go like this:

Gugu K: How is school?

G: Fine.

Gugu K: Have you been making any art?

G: Yes.

Gugu K: How is your kitty?

G: Fine

Well you get the picture.... But last night we had a really great conversation, She was animated and telling stories about school, so much like when they all visited in the summer of 2007. She made me talk to her kitty, and made me promise not to tell Gugu B something. (Already broke that one, sorry.) The enthusiasm may have had to do with the Christmas presents Grandma and I sent. Her favorites were a pink jewelry box of a watch, necklace and earrings that can have the dial, band and stones swapped out (six different looks) and a little tube of Egyptian figurines. Yes, I bribe her for her love, and I don't care. Sometimes she was so excited, I had trouble understanding her English, but she was very patient with her Gugu if I had to ask her to repeat something.

So it turns out she had to write a paper for school about her hero, and IT WAS ME! My overwhelming heroic qualities, in case you are interested, are that I love kitties and I'm an "art-er" (or artist.) She didn't even mention how I want world peace! I am so tickled this smart little girl looks up to me. A told to not let it go to my head, but I think it is too late..... Would purple be too bold for my cape and utility belt?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hurray, It's Christmas

Good Morning! Merry Christmas, I hope you slept well. (Remember, we're pretending....)

When I was little, we would get up early on Christmas morning and open our presents from Mom, Dad and Santa. We would get to play with our toys a bit, eat breakfast, then is was everyone back in the station wagon and an eight hour trip to the Upper Peninsula to have Christmas Night with Grandma J, Dad's brothers, Aunt S and our cousins. Mom is one of 6 kids, around 30 first and second cousins on Mom's side. Dad is the oldest of 3 with 3 cousins total on Dad's side. The overall body count was higher in Mom's family, but the cousins in the U. P. were our ages, all our cousins on Mom's side were much older. Yep, we had playmates up on the farm, making it more fun.

There was also a LOT of snow at Grandma' J's, one year there was this EXCELLENT ice slide down the hill by Grandma's house that someone built. It was very fast (it was watered down and allowed to re-freeze every night) and very fun, but really quite close to the creek (pronounce that "crick") at the bottom of the hill. I remember winding up wet more than once, and having to go inside to thaw. I also remember the pajamas, Grandma J always gave us pajamas for Christmas.

Actually, today isn't really Christmas at all for me, which is probably why I am driveling on about Christmas' past. We are postponing Christmas until Saturday, because Skeeter and his parents are with Skeeter's other grandparents today. I understand why there need to be new traditions, AM NOT DISAGREEING WITH THE RATIONAL, but it still doesn't keep this day from being lousy and weird. It was a last minute switch, so even the Christmas dinner is postponed. So what to do for the un-Christmas dinner? The only restaurant I could find open was our favorite Chinese place, bless those non-Christians. Egg roll anyone?

Pretend it's still Christmas Eve....please

Okay, okay, only the fourth day of my vow to blog everyday for 2 weeks and I blow it....In my defense, Skeeter just wore me out!!! I went to bed at SEVEN. so lets use the "Way-Back machine" and pretend it is still Christmas Eve..........

Traditionally for my family Christmas meant a lot of time in a station wagon. Mom and Dad would pile us in the car. We would drive an hour to Grandma R's house and have a big pot lock with my mom's siblings and their family's. The food was always great, but the highlight was always that Grandma would make a bit pot of her homemade Chicken and Egg Noodles. And I mean HOMEMADE. Nobody could make noodles like my grandma.

After dinner, Aunt D would sit down at the piano and play Christmas songs and we would all sing along. When we got to "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", the MAN himself would come in to pass out presents. We (or our parents) exchanged names, so there was always a present from an aunt, uncle or cousin, but the best of all was always from Grandma. She would knit a hat or mittens to keep you warm (boring), but there was also a TUB of her dried fruit. Apples, peaches, and pears. Homemade. She had a good quality dehydrator long before the cheap ones were available on every other infomercial. Chewy and sweet, in jumbo recycled ice cream containers, they were always passed out with the understanding she would get them back in time for next year. Then it was time put on our jammies, lots of hugs and good-byes, then piling into the back of the station wagon into a makeshift "bad" of sleeping bags for the drive back home to our real beds and our own Christmas morning.

Okay, I'm going to take a break here, we will pretend it is time to go to bed on Christmas Eve, and I'll write more about Christmas day later.

Ta! Pretend to sleep tight!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Be@enie Tree

This is actually an idea I stole from my friend Jxxxie, to use be@nie babies instead of regular ornaments. The first time we did it because I didn't feel like hauling all the Xmas crap up from the basement. This year we did it for Skeeter.

It's a little hard to see them all from this angle, many are pushed back into the tree. The first time Skeeter saw our tree, he cocked his head to the side, studied it, then walked over and started taking be@nies off. He then handed them to me with a very solemn expression, as if he were saying: "Yea-yea, this is not where you keep your toys..." When I put them all back in the tree, he seemed a little annoyed with me. We will see what he does tomorrow. His day-care will be closed, and I get him ALL DAY!!! We are going to have fun! I am a little concerned, because we now have all our packages under the tree. He KNOWS how to unwrap presents very well, thank you. Let's see if I have to say "No-no" all day.

I wanted to mention I had a lot of fun this year decorating packages. Instead of adding tags, ribbons, and bows, I used a silver marker to address the packages and draw pictures. Very satisfying! No individual masterpieces, but as a group they are very cool to see.

Two days to go! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Remembering Pam Am Flight 103

I'll be honest, I had forgotten the exact date, but this morning when I woke up and @bc was showing news footage from 20 years ago, I was instantly transported back...

It was evening. I was folding a blanket, home on Christmas break. I had just gotten home from my holiday job. I had heard the tragic news earlier in the day, of course, but it wasn't until that instant it hit me. Jxxxie was flying home from London that day.

I sat down fast. And did nothing. Just sat there looking at the TV. My brother and his friend came in the room, (I don't know when.) A noticed I was acting strange, asked what was wrong. I repeated for him what I had just realized. "Jxxxie is flying home today."

It was all so very surreal. A and I had just visited Jxxxie for Thanksgiving break. I probably didn't even have my pictures developed yet.

A or his friend grabbed the phonebook and looked up Jxxxie's parents' number. Where do they live? How do you spell the last name? One of her brother's answered. With difficulty A explained I was her friend, he was my brother and I was worried. I remember thinking at the time how odd that my brother the word-aholic couldn't seem to string together a complete sentence as he tried to convey concern while not breaking the news to Br if he didn't know already.

She was fine. She wasn't on the plane. She was ok. Later we learned she HAD been booked on Pam Am 103, but raised a stink over the meal choice. She was put a flight leaving a few minutes later. She came to visit a few days later, and I was able to see she was fine for myself.

That dread came back so immediately this morning, I'm still a little numb. My heart and prayers go out to all those who lost someone that day. Bless you wherever you are, bless us all.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's been a long time..

I'm sorry I have been away so long, I just haven't been in a blogging mood. Had a little dental drama, an abscess and root canal (and yes, I DID pronounce it Woot Cannnal for the better part of the day.) It now looks like the infection isn't all cleared up, and I have to go back to the endodontist for a recheck. Ho Ho Ho

As usual, I have been having a ball Christmas shopping. I refuse to admit I have gone overboard, but there are a MESS of presents under the tree for Skeeter -man, and I almost dragged my arms out of their sockets hauling G's packages to the post office.

Looks like I'll have a light workload the next two weeks, my office is closed both Wednesdays and Thursdays. Normally I would work the three other days of the holiday week. I think it isn't fair for those with children to be forced to leave their kids so I can have a day off during the holidays. If I had kids, or even plans, I might feel different.... However this year as a reward for good work done in a crappy year, anyone who wants the 12/26 and 1/02 off may take them. Management is not enforcing minimum staff coverage. In my section only one person is going to work the Fridays. So, two five-day week-ends in a row, Woo Hoo!

And thus, with all this free time, I plan to make things up to you.... I do feel really bad about not blogging, and in guilt and friendship, I think I will be blogging everyday for the rest of the year. A pre-New Years resolution, if you will. Get some better blogging habits ingrained before work picks up again in January.

And now a treat! Skeeter's very first school picture. I don't remember my daycare ever doing this, but then again, my pre-school wasn't attached to a real school that was taking pictures anyway. Doesn't he just look like he is planning some mischief.!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Pottery

This is Potters Mark Pottery where I take classes twice a year. None of the pots in the picture are mine. This is Jerry's yearly sale he held last week-end. I always go to drool over his stuff, but this year I bought a corn bread baker with the most lovely red glaze...(opps...more drool.) I was talking to Jerry's wife Mary as I tried to control my saliva glands, and she said it was a new glaze he had mixed up! A true red is a tough one to get unless you go to a commercial glaze, you see. This means it might be available to ME in the spring class. Woo Hoo!

Really I took these pictures to try to lure a co-worker to come play with the clay next time. I don't think it worked, but looking at the photos today made me think someone out there might like to see them.

The local is just so peace full. Can you see why I love my Wednesday afternoons?

FYI - If you see something you love, it was probably sold :) ...but I can put you in touch with Jerry and he might be able to make you something like it. Leave me a comment with your email address. I'll delete the comment, promise.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2008


As promised, Skeeter pictures. Isn't he the cutest thing since Grover! I don't have a lot of time right now, so I'll have to post later.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A fairly good Friday.

Friday was a good day altogether. I worked a half day and went to the eye doctor for my yearly Diabetic Retinopathy exam. Good news is no sign of damage to my eyes from diabetes and the pressures are normal. Pesky news is they have to dilate my peepers to do it. Yuk.

Better Good news is I arranged to pick Skeeter up from his school, and we had an Auntie Yea-Yea day. He has graduated from the infant room to the toddler room, and he loves it. I had never been in the toddler room before, and I must say at first it was a little ...unsettling. All these kids start coming at you, smiling...drooling...talking....."hi......hi......hi......" I couldn't really see them (remember...eyes were dilated) and I didn't recognize Skeeter in all the Stepford-Zombie children. Then I saw my friend, he grinned at me and the little staggering children stopped seeming so menacing... They really are nice kids (although the excessive drool still bothers me and my healthy gag-reflex.)

So we went to Skeeter's house and played. He spotted a little freebie voice recorder I had hanging from my purse, and it is now his new favorite thing. I sang a little song into it which he liked, but apparently the best button of all is the erase button, so I was singing into the little voice recorder a lot.

Oh! We had so much fun!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Punkin Patch Fun

We met Skeeter and his parents at the local Cider Mill for a pumpkin carrying contest. For a $12 registration fee, you get to keep all the pumpkins you can carry for 10 feet. So we went out and picked pumpkins....
And Skeeter guarded them ...
After inspecting them (just maybe not as carefully as he should have at this moment) he later licked a few to check for freshness....
Oh yes! This looks like a fine crop indeed!
Guess it's time to kick back and relax for the ride to the finish line..
Sorry, I don't have any actual picture of E carrying the pumpkins......B and I loaded E up, and Skeeter waited with Grandma at the finish line. E managed to carry 19 to the finish line. Most are going to Skeeter's school, a some are going to be carved at home too.
Afterwards we all headed back to the bakery, and had cider and fresh warm donuts. Yummy. A very nice Sunday

Introducing Twinkie the Wonder Cat

AKA - G has a new friend. Which is great, as little kids in our family are genetically required to own felines. Seriously! Skeeter is already 2 up on her...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mini Monster paralyzes all at B@ies R Us

*NEWS FLASH* Cute yet fast little monster seen barreling down the aisles Lansing store. Darling and highly prone to giggles, it is rumored the fiend can only be stopped at the sight of balloons or watermelon chunks. If sighted, hug and kiss profusely.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Goodbye my boy.

Victor-Buzz in better days.

I had to put down my Buzz today. He is the only cat I ever took to college with me. He was seventeen, diagnosed with thyroid problems and a heart murmur when he was ten. I've been shoving pills down his throat for seven years. Finally his quality of life was so poor, I needed to help him go.

He was old . He was sick. He was sweet. He gave kisses upon request. I miss my Kalamazoo Room-mate already. I don't want to write anymore.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Practical Joker

The Prankster

His Tools

That little stinker totally made a fool of me with this. When the red plunger is pushed, music start playing and the toy throws the colored balls into the air, then are caught in the basin and funneled through again. The problem is not all the balls land in the catch basin, and I end up chasing the balls all over the living room. So usually I hold my hand 6 inches over the basin and direct the balls to where they need to go.

Tuesday night we had had a fun evening. We had introduced little boy to spaghetti, which had been twirled around like a helicopter blade on one point. (He is a quick learner, I only had to show him TWICE.) I am on the other side of the room, collecting my things, getting ready to leave. Skeeter looks me straight in the eye, walks over to the toy, pushes the button, and WALKS AWAY while still LOOKING STRAIGHT AT ME. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that the colored balls are about to start shooting out. "NO ONE'S MANNING THE BALLS!" I shouted as I rushed over to the toy, but I had already missed 2 projectiles that went who knows where.

As I turn around with my hand over the tube, I see Skeeter. He is sitting in the middle of the floor, HUGGING himself, swinging his body from side to side, laughing so hard that no sound is coming out! It was totally pre-meditated! That little booger! Lord help me when he is old enough to make crank phone calls....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Family

Congratulations to my brother and his wife on their remarriage last Thursday. Dear S, I am so happy to have you as my sister-in-law again! And I know G is so very happy.

These are pictures freshly sent by A, from a family trip to Nantou immediately after the wedding. According to various sites on the net, Nantou county is in the central region of Taiwan and is famous for its mountain scenery and is the only county in Taiwan without a coastline. hmmmm. Interesting. And it seems they have roller coasters and and merry-go-rounds too.

Yep, those look like mountains behind my beautiful niece. I also love the purple poncho.

I don't really know why pointing out the way to the ladies room is so important...I included this photo to illustrate my brother's appalling fashion sense. My sister and I once caught him walking down the street in a bright red shirt, bright blue jeans, sunny yellow socks and brown sandals. And he couldn't blame his mommy for dressing him funny because he was a sophomore at U of M! He so obviously got his fashion taste from our father, who thought three or four different plaids could be worn together because they we coordinating colors.

I love you all!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Master Plan

Well, well....lets see where we are on the Skeeter Plan.....
  • Make sure he giggles with glee at the sight of bubbles. Check.
  • Make sure he loves to play with balloons. Check.
  • Teach him to dance and sing silly songs. In Progress.
  • Teach him to use a squirt gun. In Progress.
  • Teach him to like being squirted with a squirt gun by Yay-Yay. Check.
  • Teach him to love to play "art" like his cousin G. Pending.
  • Teach him to love riding in my convertible with the top down. Check! Check!

My corruption of the child is progressing nicely. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Beautiful Girl

G, darling, I LOVE your new haircut!! Grandma tells me you don't like it, but I think it is very chic and lovely. Looks like a very good way to wear your hair in the hot summer time. I especially like the way it curls around your ears. Grandma thinks you look like Tinkerbell. A good haircut for a swimmer to have! If I thought my big chubby face would look good with this haircut, I would get it in a minute! Actually, I think I had a haircut a lot like this when I lived in London. I'll see if I can find a picture to show to you.

I can't believe it has been almost a whole year since you came to visit us in Michigan. I miss you so much! Especially playing art. I still have all the wonderful pictures you made for me and the play-d0h bunny.

Baby Skeeter is sooooooo much fun, I wish you were here to play with us. I have introduced him to squirt guns and bubbles, AND he REALLY REALLY like to play with balloons. I'm sure you could teach him more fun games than I can. We will just have to wait and see when we can all play together again. By the way, he doesn't seem to like the 3 bears song and Itsy-Bitsy Spider as much as you did. :(

I love you, I LOVE YOU, I love you

Gugu K

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bubble Costumes - Punk Rocker

Sadly, the simpler games I play with Skeeter, like piggy-toe kisses and whose-pulling-the-socks-off are no longer the laugh riot they use to be. Happily we are discovering new games, and they include making Bubble Costumes during bath time. We started off as Bubble Elvis, and have broadened out to include Bubble Football Player, Bubble Garden Gnome, Bubble Zeus, Bubble Mousek@teer, and of course, the Bubble Punk Rocker (Oy!) I was between cameras so I didn't catch most in pictures, but we will work to re-create some of these sudsy looks in baths to come.

Did I mention he is as cute as a bee's knees? Still true!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Celebrating the 9th of July

AKA Happy Birthday Skeeter!

Okay, it wasn't exactly the 9th, but this Saturday Skeeter-Man had his first Birthday party! It was a lovely day at his Grandma and Grandpa's cottage (E's parents.) It wasn't too hot, although we did chase the shade across the yard. Earlier this week Skeeter was given his first balloon, and it was such a big hit, I bought a dozen for the occasion. His daddy out did me, and bought a tank of helium and lots more balloons. It was a balloon rich afternoon.

Here he is walking with Grandma C's help. It won't be long before he doesn't need any help at all.
Apparently he is destined to be a bacon lover, he REALLY liked chewing on the piggy toy. For a "no gift" occasion, the boy made out like a bandit. I broke the rule like everybody else, I gave him a tee shirt with our rules, then his Mommy's rule (Ignore Aunt K's rules) printed on it.
Such a cutie...
and we learned that cake is for squishing, not for eating. He didn't want to eat it unassisted, and when his mommy gave him some, he cried. Too sweet, I guess.

It is hard to believe it has been a whole year already, and yet it feels like he has been here so much longer. Happy Birthday little man, the fun is just starting... just you wait until I crack open the Pl@y-Doh!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I of course am totally out of practice on the whole Father's Day thing as my own father died when I was eleven, but I helped out Skeeter ('cos that's what Yea-yea's do....) His Mommy found a digital frame/key chain and we loaded it up with pictures of his boy. I thought it would be a good idea to have a special Daddy's Day picture as the first image. Of course it takes a minimum of 20 shots to get a good picture of an active baby. These are the best of the lot. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Thank you very much!

Bubble Elvis, ladies and gentleman! The bubble sideburns were the best part. Bath time is SO much fun....
So apparently I have been taken to task for not posting...sorry. I haven't been on the computer much, except for at work. I go through spats where the thought of turning on the computer at home after sitting in front of one all day makes be nauseous. (...but what doesn't make me nauseous on the lizard spit!) We are gearing up for the busiest time of year at work. Most of what I do is investigating problems. There are things that have been wrong for years, that the member never bothered to look at. Now that they want to retire, they have to be fixed NOW or the earth stops revolving...... Normally I am very sympathetic and make the research and resolution my top priority, but times it by 10 per day right now. And the solutions run through a nightly batch processing. It usually takes three days to correct anything, so not problem is solved immediately. Plus my very small section is down by two people due to a medical leave and a vacation to Hawaii so I am having to man the customer call center too. It makes me realize I haven't had a real vacation in over a year. It won't be this month, but I think maybe I need a week off in July..... With a Skeeter day or two strategically scheduled in, of course :) Oh, I'm bitching too much....
Gotta go shower and get ready to go out. We are heading the the 1st Sunday Gallery walk in Old Town today. You have a good day!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

And my new name is.......

My name is Kay. It's not short for anything. Not Katherine, Kathleen, Katie, Katrina, nothing. And because it not possible to shorten my name into a nickname, my childhood nickname was my name doubled. Kay-kay. I have been Kay-kay for as long as I remember, in fact there is brick by the fireplace where I wrote it in permanent marker as a small child (and was my mother PISSED.) As an adult, children will still call me Kay-kay, though I do frown on adults doing so. Georgie of course calls me Gugu (aunt.)

Skeeter now has four word under his belt. Mumum, Dada, Itties (kitties) and Yea-Yea (Kay-kay.) He may know more, but these are the ones he has said in my presence. The first two times he called me Yea-yea, I didn't catch it, and when B informed me he had just called me Yea-yea I thought it was motherly wishful thinking. But when a 10-month ball of cute crawls up to you, pulls himself up on your pant leg, stretches his arm up to you and clearly says "Yea-Yea!" there is no denying you have just been called by name.

The pictures below are of my Skeeter getting a bath. I love the purple bottle brush you can see behind his head like a poppy growing out of his skull.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

G and her little friend

My brother and G were dog sitting for G's aunt this week-end. Better watch out G, Kitty-kitty Bing-bing might get jealous......

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Skeeter or Scooter?

That's right folks, little man can crawl!!!! And he has a mind of his own......

Monday, April 28, 2008

Ugly Shoes

What, OH WHAT, kind of world do we live in where THIS travesty is allowed to happen to a Birk*nstock! Do we really need to deface this noble shoe with a Bed@zzler?!?!? I am just sick!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Halt, who goes there?

Attention Lurkers!!! Reveal and make yourselves know! Leave me a comment if you visit.

If I'm only doing this for myself, what's the point of spellcheck?!?!?!?

Somebody LIKES frozen custard

Last night I went to visit my friend Skeeter and he was so pooped we didn't get to play at all! Okay, maybe a little. But he slept in my arms for over two hours until it was time to head home for my own bed. Ya know what? Cuddle time is really good too!
On the pottery scene, I have my first pottery "class" of the season on Wednesday and it was BLISS. I have been finding myself irritated and annoyed with some of the newer students for the past couple of terms. Nice, nice people, BUT......they spend all their time chatting because this is their only social outlet and hogging the equipment when I'm trying to WORK. Yes, they are GETTING IN MY WAY!!! So this term I asked Jerry if I could come from 2:30 to 4:30 instead of 12:30 to 2:30. Truth is, he doesn't spend any real time teaching me anymore, and if I need his input, I know where to find him and I do ask him. He was totally okay with it. In the past he has always let me stay past class time if I chose, and has in fact allowed others to stay late if I am there too. Really, he is getting a studio minder for free on the odd days that someone wants to make-up some missed class time. Win-win!
Anywho......I was working in his little studio in the middle of his property in the middle of nowhere. It's wooded, peaceful. The back door was open, a nice breeze was blowing in, the radio tuned to a soothing classical station, and the sound of the birds chirping in through the open screen......heaven. I made four pieces, two I liked, two are crap. But that's okay, I was just spending time getting reacquainted with my old friend clay.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Giggle Fest

So apparently I am HILARIOUS while spooning up pureed carrots. Even though the last time I tried to feed Skeeter-man his baby food there was an unfortunate incident involving an eye full of pears for the boy and a big crying fit for both of us, B insisted I try to feed him again last night. She claims I have to get it right sometime (ha!)

There I sit with the baby spoon of commercial baby food poised for delivery... He takes one look at my face and starts to giggle. I can't help myself, I laugh at him (because he so sooooooo dang cute when he giggles and he can get me started in an instant.) That makes him laugh harder. Which makes me laugh more, and we are off on a giggle marathon while the spoon of orange glop shakes in mid air. Eventually I got most of the food in him (or on him, whatever) but my side still hurts from all the laughing.

How can one little boy-critter be so happy so much?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Giving up the ghost, and going to the nurse...

Okay, I can't take it anymore! I'm going already! I have the afternoon off to see the kidney specialist at 3:00, so I weaseled an appointment with the NP at my doctor's office at 4:20. Hall's Plus and Vicks Formul@ 44 are helping a little, but not enough. I have this husky bar hag/smoker-esque voice that is bugging the cr@p out of me and my blood sugar has been elevated. (Probably because the OTC products have high fructose corn syrup or glucose listed as the 5th and 12th ingredients and 7th ingredient respectively.) I am also experiencing coughing until I vomit almost every morning. Bleck! Uncle! I say, uncle!!!!

On the bright side, today is Skeeter Thursday and BFF is 9 months old as of yesterday. I'm going to pick up some gyros on the way to B's. Lamb, feta, Skeeter...what more could be better!
Oh yes, Skeeter likes ponies....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Typhoid Skeeter

We are all sick. First Skeeter, then B, E, ME, and now Grandma. Raging coughs and mondo snot. I was playing with Skeeter and he juicy coughed all over my face. Bleack...... B claims I couldn't have gotten it from him then, as he was already on antibiotics, she probably passed it on to me. But all I keep thinking of is that movie "Outbreak." He is the cute little monkey and we are all goners... Ah the joys of a child in daycare and the passing around of grubby germs in the under 4 year set. (sigh...)

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Very Nice Weekend

It has been a very good weekend filled with good friends and family. It all started early on Friday with a full day of babysitting Skeeter. Yay!

Next up Friday evening I was able to chat online with my brother and my wonderful niece G. Her Easter package from Gugu K had arrived already and Daddy let her open it. It made very good time, only six days to get to the other side of our planet. A sent me a bunch of pictures, including this one of G in the PJs I sent for Easter. (Please note the Santa Claus still up in the background. I would mock him more, but since I still have my Christmas tree stand in the living room, perhaps I won't...)

Saturday brought a very nice baby shower in Grand Rapids in the afternoon and an evening with my best friend J. I was a little late leaving the house because Skeeter and his parents stopped by so kind E could clear our driveway of snow. So Skeeter and I HAD to get his pigs kissed, sing a song, blow some bubbles, sing another song.... you get the idea.
The baby shower was fun, although I couldn't participate in the diaper game. I couldn't even watch others inspect the melted candy bars in the diapers without getting queasy. Since the guests of honor are two of the few people who ever read this blog, I would also like to take a moment and thank them for inviting me. I had a ball and it was so nice to see them after all this time! Then I popped down to Portage to visit with J and L. After taking some gratuitous ribbing for forgetting L's birthday and catching up a little, J and I headed out to dinner. (Point in fact: I DID remember her birthday was the 25th, but I thought is was the 25th on the 23rd when I called... and I think I should get points for that!)
Sunday afternoon was Easter fun with Skeeter! Since he is way too little for Easter candy, Mom and I bought a toy for him, and doggone it, he KNEW it was for him! First he had to lick all the pieces, but then he got down to some serious playing. He also didn't mind wearing the bunny ears. Yes, a very good weekend

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

Two Good-Lookin' Kids

These are two of my three favorite kids on the planet. If you have ever glanced at this blog before, you are familiar with my nephew, whom I have nicknamed Skeeter. This lovely girl is my best friend's daughter L. She was my first special kid, the first one to call me Aunt K. I actually think of her as my "god-daughter," even though I an not actually. I lived with her mother through her pregnancy, I was in the labor room, I watched her get her first bath and I got to give her her first bottle in the hospital. She is now sixteen, and I feel old, old, old..... These pictures were taken before Christmas, but I have been pokie in asking for copies from my brother-in-law and sister.